Charities offer wonderful gifts at auctions in hopes to receive large scale donations. Is this training our population that when you give you should receive? Maybe, but at least it’s working. Many cynics argue that giving donations and expecting gifts such as trips around the world, tickets to concerts, amongst other high priced items is, at the core, directly in conflict with the principles of giving. However, on the flip side of the coin, the charities and organizations receive great amounts of money and if it takes a little incentive to get a few more dollars then so be it.
It should be to no surprise that some new businesses and organizations have capitalized on this trend of “receiving to give.” Generous Adventures and Charity Folks are great examples of organizations that are sourcing gifts for charities.
Our goal with is to get more the 90% if not nearly 100% of the gift to the organization. We are working with our partners and home owners to “give” time away at their respective vacation homes for a good cause.
There are several companies that are 100% focused on getting items for charities and they are doing it very well. Our intention is not to source various gifts but rather just the homes. We are doing this because at we have 1000s of homes that do have quite a bit of down time which is perfect for fund raising events.