In 2010 Vacation Homes for Charity and Encanto Resorts partnered with Independent Residences at their annual Gala to provide them access to Encanto’s Pase del Sol property. The vacation helped raise $1200 towards IRI’s mission.
From the beginning, IRI was designed to create opportunities where none existed before: opportunities for severely disabled adults to live a more rewarding life as an integrated member of society, in homes designed for their special needs, and with an extensive circle of support to give them access to opportunities to learn, grow and dream. At the time IRI was founded there were few agencies that supported individuals with developmental disabilities, visual impairments and behavioral difficulties. Now, the need for these services is growing. Our founding parents recognized a dual challenge: their disabled children were “aging out” of existing programs as they grew into young adulthood as the parents themselves grew older, and they became concerned about what kind of future their children would have if each family had to develop their own care-giving solutions. These parents recognized the need for housing and support services designed to give their adult children a brighter future, so together they began with one group, one house at a time, and set about designing a community-wide solution that became known as IRI. Founding families became members of our Board. Some of the founding members still serve to help IRI remain focused on its mission.
To provide the highest quality of life for consumers, IRI approaches each person as an individual. Every support is guided by the voice of each individual. The settings in which our consumers live and work must be comfortable for them, and for our staff working directly for them. Our team members reflect the deepest values of our agency, integrity and compassion. The staff of Independence Residences, Inc. is courteous and friendly; they are good communicators, with a passion for learning more. From the first day new staff members join our team, and throughout their careers, IRI ensures they have the support, values and skills necessary to turn consumers dreams into reality.