The Mission of Piedmont Wildlife Center is to provide essential resources that ensure the health and welfare of native wildlife.

Wildlife is an integral part of our ecosystem and a reflection of the health of our environment. We help support wildlife and reduce the negative impact of our own species through the following programs:


Goals of the education program at Piedmont Wildlife Center include:

  • To increase the sense of personal connection with the natural world developed at an early age and foster for a lifetime
  • To expand knowledge and awareness of native flora and fauna
  • To heighten sensitivity to the needs of local wildlife
  • To increase overall community awareness about the environment, the impacts of development on wildlife, and how people can help conserve wildlife habitat
  • To provide opportunities for leadership at all levels, including specialized training and mentoring in field natural history, conservation biology, environmental education and nonprofit management
  • To deepen sensory awareness and increased kinesthetic abilities through outdoor learning
  • To cultivate the qualities that support community building which include an attitude of service, a sense of gratitude, tolerance for diversity, the ability to listen actively and speak plainly, personal responsibility and a belief in the value of peacemaking

for more information visit: Piedmont Wildlife Center

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