Our Solution Provides You With Great Experiences

St Josephat Parish
St. Josaphat Catholic Parish, with faith in a loving God, joyfully welcomes all who wish to come together as a community of shared faith in Jesus Christ, to give glory and praise to God. We commit to making Christ's love apparent on our journey of faith by striving to...

The Junior Council
The Junior Council is a group of young professionals living in and around the Chicagoland area. Our membership ranges in a variety of professional backgrounds, pooling our resources and talents to support our jointed interest in helping to raise awareness and funds to...

Canterbury – A Joint Episcopal Campus Ministry
Canterbury and the Episcopal Church Welcome You! Weekly Schedule Sundays 4:00 Choir rehearsal (Church basement) 5:30 Holy Eucharist (Bruton Parish Church) Dinner after the service (Bruton Parish House) Tuesdays 5:30 Holy Eucharist (Wren Chapel) Dinner after the...

Springfield Arts Council
Mission: To build a better community by sharing the performing arts with all citizens of Springfield, Clark County, and the region. The Springfield Arts Council, Inc. is recognized for leading the citizens of Springfield, Clark County and the region to an enhanced...

Duet Arizona
For nearly 30 years, Duet has worked diligently to improve the quality of life for older adults across the Valley. We’ve focused particular attention on the needs of homebound elders and adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and grandparents raising...