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Golf for Denan
3rd Annual Golf Tournament/Fundraising event for The Denan Project on Monday April 26, 2010 at Apple Ridge Country Club, Mahwah, NJ. Registration begins at 11:00am - Tee Off is 12:30pm sharp!! Cocktail Hour, Dinner, Silent Auction, Photo-Exhibition, Awards begins at...

5th Annual Walking with Friends
Annual walkathon and community day, craft fair and live entertainment. Stay tuned for more details. For more information on this organization, please go to Friends of Suzanne.

Kent School ~ Chestertown, MD
Our Mission Kent School is a regional, independent day school serving students from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Our primary goal is to help our students realize their full promise. We accomplish this by setting high academic and personal standards; by...
Mediterranean Mystery Cruise
Kent School has begun planning their Mediterranean Mystery Cruise, a sort of a murder mystery on the high seas. More details to come but for more information on this non-profit, please go to Kent School of Chestertown, MD.
Vacation Rentals for Charity Events
Next week VacationHomesForCharity.org, the philanthropy of The Society, will publish the most recent list of vacation rentals and villas that are available for upcoming charity fund raisers. Destinations include: Las Vegas Cabo Steamboat Belize Akumal Costa Rica...