Our Solution Provides You With Great Experiences
Property Managers: Improve Your SEO And Fill Spare Weeks
We know how bookings cancel at the last minute and you need to replace that booking quickly. We also know how important it is to promote your properties, maximize revenues, make sure your promotions work well without hurting your search engine rankings. This is why...
A beauty in Barcelona
Barcelona, one of the most iconic cities in the world. With all that this city has to offer there is one street within it that is just as famous, Rambla Bulevard. The wide boulevard connects the Plaça de Catalunya, a busy square, with the Columbus Monument and the...

Social Enterprise Spinoffs
Businesses can be about more than earning a profit. For some modern ventures, success means using their business to make the world a better place. According to the Social Enterprise Alliance, social enterprises are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good....
Fabulous 2-Family Vacation Lodge near Shaver Lake and China Peak Skiing
Just in time for skiing in California's Sierra Nevada! Vacation Rentals for Charity just added this amazing vacation lodge near Shaver Lake and China Peak in Shaver, California. The owners are donating a portion of the rent to Habitat For Humanity Fresno, Inc. and...
Time for some fun in the sun in Cabarete, Dominican Republic at the Blue Fish Condo Beach
Looking for an exotic escape? New to the Geronimo Vacation Rentals for Charity inventory is the Blue Fish Condo in Cabarete, Dominican Republic. Built in 2007, this beautiful condo is located in the historic beach town of Cabarete. You can enjoy the beach just 100...