
Today I received a great example of how charities can use cross-promotions to help their cause.     I must disclose that I know nothing about the relationship between the two parties: First Candle and Earth Mama Angle Baby, but I got this email and wanted to share it.

first-candle2Celebrate the moms in your life this season

For just $10, your name will be entered in a national drawing to win a $250 gift certificate to EarthMamaAngelBaby.com.  The winner will be drawn on Wednesday, May 6. Your contribution will support First Candle’s critical programs and services, so that we can ensure that every baby reaches his first birthday and many happy ones beyond.

Earth Mama Angel Baby uses the highest-quality, certified-organic or organically grown herbs and oils for our teas, bath herbs, gentle handmade soaps, salves, lotions and massage oils. Their products are 100% toxin-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and free from all artificial preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Their pregnancy, childbirth and baby products were born of a sincere faith in the natural process of birthing babies. Supporting the pure process naturally with nature’s gifts.

To enter, visit www.firstcandle.org/mothers-day.

I believe this is a natural fit and will help both organizations.  First Candle’s mission is to help babies survive and thrive; meanwhile, EarthMamaAngelBaby is creating products for these babies.  It’s a great way for First Candle to raise money and at the same time promote a product that supports their cause.

Some obvious benefits of cross promoting include:

  • Enhance credibility
  • Stretch marketing dollars

There is plenty of information on the web regarding cross-promotions.  You can still check out a good article from Inc Magazine (published in 1997) for additional “secrets to cross-promotion“.

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