silent-auction-items-photo vacation for charityHow important is choosing the committee chair for your next fundraising event? Just as each volunteer in a nonprofit organization is important and brings with them a circle of influence, a committee chair should be chosen with leadership qualities and management style in mind, as well as their position in the community you are targeting.

A committee chair should have a proven record of leadership, whether in the nonprofit or corporate world, and should come to the table prepared to share his contacts and influence in the community.  While a committee chair is not directly responsible for running the event, he should be willing to lend his name in such a way to influence the community to contribute to the event and to the cause. He should also be willing to make a significant contribution to the event, either in direct financial support or with in-kind support.

The selection of the committee chair sets the tone for the event and helps to shape the committee and the event participants. The right committee chair should be passionate about the organization’s mission and, ideally, already a key donor.

Following the selection of the committee chair, the members of the committee should follow the same guidelines of bringing in donors and significantly supporting the nonprofits event staff in reaching and exceeding their fundraising goals. Ideally, committee members should be presented with responsibilities and expectations as they are invited to come aboard the committee. Committee responsibilities should be reiterated at each planning meeting through the agenda.

While the committee chair and committee members bring in the dollars and the participants, it is up to the organizations staff to plan the details of the event and make all arrangements and contracts necessary. Therefore, it is imperative to have a solid working relationship and communication between the committee and key organization staff. A successful fundraising event truly takes everyone.






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